Hotel Clean staff in Hakone Area
給与:時給 1,100円〜1,300円アクセス:Easy access just a 5-minute walk from Hakone Yumoto Station. *Free shuttle service available for those coming from the Mishima, Numazu area.
勤務時間:9:30-14:00 (4.5 hours) ・2 days per week or more okay ・Weekdays only, weekends only shifts also okay
お仕事内容- Cleaning of washrooms
- Cleaning of bathrooms and toilets
- Making beds
- Vacuuming
- Wiping and polishing, etc.
Business Description:
Contracting business, cleaning services, and others.
- 主婦・主夫歓迎
- フリーター歓迎
- 大学生歓迎
- 高校生応援
- シニア応援
- 学歴不問
- 未経験・初心者OK
- ブランクOK
- 経験者・有資格者歓迎
- シフト制
- 平日のみOK
- 土日祝のみOK
- 週4日以上OK
- 即日勤務OK
- 扶養内勤務OK
- 長期歓迎
- 副業・WワークOK
- 駅チカ・駅ナカ
- 友達と応募OK
- オープニングスタッフ
- 落ち着いた職場
- 業務外交流少ない
- アットホーム
- 初心者活躍中
- 長く働ける
- 自分の都合に合わせやすい
- 決められた時間できっちり
- 協調性がある
- 立ち仕事
- お客様との対話は少ない
- 知識、経験不要
職種Hotel Clean staff in Hakone Area
給与時給 1,100円〜1,300円
待遇・福利厚生- 昇給あり
- 制服あり
- Social insurance (according to regulations)
- Employee promotion
- Paid vacation
- Free transportation
- Uniform rental
- Reimbursement of transportation expenses according to company policy
Hakone Yumoto (Within a 5-minute walk from Hakone Yumoto Station) Free transportation available from Shimizu-cho, Numazu City, and Mishima Station. Interview Location: 1097-2 Tokukura, Shimizu-cho, Suruga-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture. On-site interviews are available
神奈川県神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町湯本 (勤務地周辺)
Easy access just a 5-minute walk from Hakone Yumoto Station. *Free shuttle service available for those coming from the Mishima, Numazu area.
応募資格- Now Hiring 10+ Opening Staff Members Simultaneously
- Many International Students and Foreigners Actively Participating
9:30-14:00 (4.5 hours)
・2 days per week or more okay
・Weekdays only, weekends only shifts also okay
- 月
- 火
- 水
- 木
- 金
- 土
- 日
- シフト制
シフトサイクル:We schedule shifts on a monthly basis from the 16th of each month to the 15th of the following month
After applying, our hiring staff will contact you.
If we are unable to reach you by phone, we may send you a message via SMS.
Please feel free to contact us.
Contact person: Tsunashima 080-1623-3735
10 people
Now Hiring Hotel Room Cleaning Staff due to Increased Projects
接客/サービス [アルバイト・パート][アルバイト・パート]Hotel Clean staff in Hakone Area